Malema elected Limpopo PEC member

20 December 2011 - 15:59 By Sapa
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Embattled ANC Youth League president Julius Malema was elected to the ANC's provincial executive committee (PEC) in Limpopo on Tuesday - but had to settle for 17th place.

Malema secured 592 votes out of 1 088 votes cast, which meant he received the third-least votes of the 20 people elected.

He is now among the 20 people from ANC provincial chairman Cassel Mathale's camp who will serve in the new PEC.

Malema is known to be Mathale's close ally.

Malema, who is appealing his five-year suspension by the ruling party's national disciplinary committee, was 17th to be called out by an electoral official announcing the results.

A woman came out number one. Lydia Komape, a member of the veterans league, received 641 votes, followed by ANC provincial spokesman David Masondo's 638 votes in second place.

Malema was suspended two months ago by the ANC's national disciplinary committee for sowing division and bringing the ANC into disrepute.

His nomination to the PEC list was widely expected despite concerns from some delegates who expressed outrage over his possible inclusion in the ruling party's provincial leadership.

They questioned the constitutionality of Malema's nomination and inclusion.

Newly elected provincial secretary Soviet Lekganyane told journalists on Monday that Malema had every right to occupy leadership positions in the ANC because he was not suspended yet and remained a member of the ruling party.

Lekganyane said in the event the appeals committee ruled against Malema, the PEC would take note of that, but at the moment, he was a member nominated democratically.

It is believed that Mathale's re-election has given the youth leader a political lifeline and base from which he can mount a comeback.

Earlier this year, Malema joked that he did not want a job in government. Speaking at the University of the Western Cape, Malema said he had no desire to go into parliament or become a minister.

While the elections agency continues with its work, delegates discussed conference declarations in a closed session at the University of Limpopo's Turfloop campus, where the provincial elective conference was taking place.

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