Junior Western Cape black rugby teams in the 'grip of racist practices'

08 September 2015 - 22:22 By RDM News Wire
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Western Cape school and club rugby was in the “grip of racist practices that consciously reduce the contact” between township and white junior rugby players‚ Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) said on Tuesday.

“The scheduling of the kids’ rugby is done by the white administrators that are part of Western Province Rugby‚” the Western Cape branch of the trade federation said in a statement.

“The scheduling of the matches often excludes the black teams and schools on the pretext that they do not have enough teams.

“Often when the white schools are paired to play a black school they (the white team) just do not pitch up on the day and provide an excuse‚” Cosatu said.

“This is Western Province SARU that is not making an effort to promote integration and provide support for the poorer junior rugby establishment. A cursory glance at the scheduling for these junior matches will show the racism that is at place.

“The coaches from the black clubs cannot raise this issue because their clubs will be sidelined by the white mafia who controls the rugby.

“Even though there is black leadership of SARU‚ it is clear that the way rugby is managed is designed to sideline black rugby in the process.

“They may lift out one or two black players with bursaries‚ but the systemic unfairness is alive and well‚” the trade federation said.

RDM News Wire.

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