Violence erupts as police aggressively clash with students at Parliament

21 October 2015 - 17:06 By RDM News Wire, Bernice Maune

#FeesMustFall protesters are clashing with police at Parliament this afternoon‚ as students approached the steps of the National Assembly. Inside‚ Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene's medium term budget speech which was due to start at 2pm was delayed by calls from the EFF to postpone the speech. This was rejected by the House and Nene began to deliver his speech.As the disruption was taking place‚ students had gathered at the parliamentary gates‚ threatening to barricade parliament and prevent MPs from leaving.Live footage from Cape Town showed police beating students with batons, aggressively pushing them back and some protestors being detained as they tried to either run away or surrender.This coincided with the EFF chanting 'fees must fall' as Nene attempted to deliver his speech. As police barged in to remove the EFF, simultaneously students ran amok just outside the parliament's steps. Students continued to defy police orders to leave parliament, with many stubbornly staging a sit in and others arguing with police...

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