ANN7 presenter slams critics, defends bloopers

27 August 2013 - 16:21 By Times LIVE
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A screenshot of ANN7 presenter Sheena Deepnarain's Facebook profile, where she posted her lashing of ANN7 critics.
A screenshot of ANN7 presenter Sheena Deepnarain's Facebook profile, where she posted her lashing of ANN7 critics.

Model and presenter Sheena Deepnarain, who works for news channel ANN7, has lashed out at critics and social media jokes about the channel.

The wide disparagement of the channel, which launched last week, has been all over Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, with many laughing at how awful the channel is, making reference to bad pronunciations of names, technical errors and unprofessional broadcasting.

Deepnarain, who is producer and presenter of the show ‘Hash Tag’, says she’s proud to be part of ANN7.

“For the record I am proud to be part of the ANN7 team – Channel 405DSTV. Having worked in the industry for just over a decade, my industry friends and I know how difficult the road has been, not because there isn’t talent out there but because the opportunities are few and far apart.

“There was a need for someone or some company to take that chance and invest in the youth of the media and entertainment industry and that was ANN7. And for that I am grateful to ANN7 and admire ANN7.”

She goes on to explain that ANN7 is doing a lot for job creation and giving people opportunities, who would have otherwise had none.

“Whilst there is a vast number of errors and mistakes, South Africa is really watching ANN7 revolutionize an industry that needed it,mistakes and all,” Deepnarain says.

“In a few years down the line, when the channel has overcome this negative road and is successful, which I do believe it will be, the people who stood by it would stand by the saying “Stand for something, or fall for anything.” And I stand for ANN7 along with the rest of the hardworking team of ANN7.”

She says: “At ANN7 we value valid critics.

“But like a lot of what is going on, is that people are making fun of News Anchors, Presenters etc., who were brave enough to put their heads on the line and pave the path for others to follow down the line and this saddens me.

“With all that said, say what you want now about ANN7,comment, hate but ANN7 is the start of great things to come….”

Deepnarain’s Twitter profile says she is also an actress at Gaenor Artist Management, owner and model at Jozi Model Management, one of the FHM top 20 for 2011 and the face of skin product Placecol.

Critics have responded to her, too, with comedian Daniel Friedman (Deep Fried Man) saying: “I think you're 100 percent right. ANN7 is revolutionising the industry. For too long SA media has been held back by competence and professionalism that really ruins the entertainment value of a news broadcast.

“Watching ANN7 it's hard not to laugh, even when it's a news story about murder, and that's really the point, isn't it. ANN7 has allowed South Africans to laugh at the news again, something that's sorely needed in a country where the news is generally very depressing.

“So good for you guys. Please don't any of you learn how to do your jobs properly and ruin the refreshing mediocrity that makes ANN7 great!”

Warren Robertson retorted: “You're right. Why should we encourage a media that rewards people who have honed their crafts and worked for years when there are loads of new entertainers who are getting tired of working at McDonalds.

“Professionalism should always come second to the needs of the desperate entertainment graduate who needs to be rewarded now, because damn it they have studied for three years and deserve some rewards for their hours pretending to be a bus stop in drama class.”

Melanie-ann Diesel responded with: “I love ANN7. The hardest working comics in SA today. Keep up the good work!”

Clips showing ANN7’s live bloopers have been popping up all over YouTube, blogs and Facebook profiles. However, most of the clips have been removed, citing copyright claims by Aiplex Software Pvt Ldt.

Aiplex Software Pvt Ldt is a company based in India contracted by the MPAA to deliver copyright notices to websites that they deem violate copyright laws.

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