Justin Bieber reaches DUI deal, to attend anger management classes

13 August 2014 - 11:00 By Bang Showbiz
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Justin Bieber has reportedly agreed a plea deal in his driving under the influence (DUI) case and will attend anger management classes

The Believe hitmaker - who was arrested seven months ago - is said to have agreed to attend anger management classes and will plead guilty to careless driving and resisting an officer without violence in exchange for prosecutors dropping the DUI charge, sources told the Miami Herald newspaper.

According to the insiders, the 20-year-old singer - who is not expected to attend a hearing for the case in Florida this afternoon will attend a 12-hour private anger management course as it is feared public sessions would turn into a ''frenzy''.

He will also have to view online videos of stories of real-life DUI cases with tragic ends, pay court fines and a $50,000 donation to charity. The singer's friend Khalil Sharieff, who was arrested at the same time when they allegedly drag raced, is expected to receive a similar plea deal.

Miami police arrested the pair in January for racing down Pine Island Drive, which had been blocked off by the star's security team, and the Baby hitmaker was said to have unleashed a string of expletives when stopped by officers. Police claimed Bieber admitted smoking marijuana and taking prescription medication, with a urine sample testing positive for the drug and anxiety pills Xanax.

However, his blood-alcohol levels were well below the legal limit and he didn't appear intoxicated in police surveillance videos. Last month, the singer was placed on two years of probation and required to take anger-management classes, complete community service and pay compensation after pleading no contest to egging and vandalising a neighbour's house.

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