Fall Out Boy's encounter with cheetah - and a 'tiger'

10 September 2014 - 12:05 By Andile Ndlovu
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Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz
Image: plus.google.com

US rockband Fall Out Boy were just in Johannesburg on the weekend, but on Tuesday, the band's bassist, Pete Wentz was already reminiscing about their short stay which culminated in them closing the inaugural I Heart Joburg Festival.

Speaking to Zane Lowe on BBC Radio 1, Wentz spoke about their brand new single ‘Centuries’, off their forthcoming album due out in 2015, and their hilarious visit to an animal sanctuary with rapper B.o.B.

This was the second time the band had toured the country.

Of their encounter with cheetahs, Wentz recalled: "The best part is they were like, 'if the cheetah runs at you, you yell at them coz they're skittish'. And I'm like what? It's a cheetah, it's like the fastest animal, and then they were like 'you can touch the cheetah, you can do whatever you want, but don't touch its claws'. Right when you get in there, they give the cheetah a piece of meat, and it touches you with its claws. I'm like, wait, the first rule is broken immediately - I was like hopefully this is an old cheetah that's sick and it can't run or something."

Lowe laughed, "But also, it could be deaf, so yelling at it is pointless".

But Wentz shared another embarrassing moment during an interview on 5FM, when he was asked name The Big Five.

"Out of the gate, not lion, I said tiger, and the animal is not even on the continent," he said, "They said it's so wrong, this is like a new record."

Lowe continued to playfully taunt Wentz, saying: "They probably put you up on the wall of American rockstars who they asked that question to and it's a long list of people who went 'Tiger". That was the game, you played along, that's exactly what they wanted you to do".

"I just wish I was in on it," said a humbled Wentz.

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