Prosper Mkwaiwa's family will not recognise either Tina as his wife, says sister

12 February 2015 - 14:01 By Times LIVE
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Tina Dlangwana, seated with Tina Jaxa, standing.
Tina Dlangwana, seated with Tina Jaxa, standing.
Image: Gallo Images/Lucky Maibi

Deceased businessman Proper Mkwaiwa's family says it will not recognise either Tina Jaxa or Tina Dlangwana as his rightful wife as neither qualifies.

Melanie Mkwaiwa, sister to Prosper, said her family would divide the late businessman and music promoter's estate as they saw fit and not through courts.

Speaking to Drum magazine, Melanie said her brother died alone as neither Jaxa or Dlangwana were with him at the time of his death. She said the family were grateful to Jaxa as she had borne and partially raised Prosper's two sons, however they separated a long time ago. Of Dlangwana, Melanie said she too was not Prosper's rightful wife.

"If she was there by Prosper's side we would have respected that but she had left. Tina Dlangawana had taken everything when she moved out. There were no plates or cutlery. We had to buy new things for the funeral," said Melanie.

While Jaxa refused to comment, Dlangawana was more vocal. Blasting Jaxa for apparently arriving at Mkwaiwa's in a foul smelling blanket, an upset Dlangawana said: "If the family refuses to recognise me then they are foolish."

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