Anele points out Terrence and Taraji interview as her career highlight

09 June 2016 - 16:42 By TMG Entertainment
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Forget the accolades, one of the biggest moments of Anele Mdoda's stellar broadcasting career was interviewing Taraji P.Henson and Terrence Howard during their five-day press tour of South Africa.

ANELE MDODA: Radio DJ and TV personality
ANELE MDODA: Radio DJ and TV personality

While the TV and radio personality has interviewed many big names previously, she revealed on Instagram that she grew as a broadcaster after her chat with the Empire stars on 947.

"I elevated as a broadcaster yesterday. It's rare you can pin point the day you grow in your craft," she wrote in a gushing note alongside a picture of herself and Terrence.

Taraji and Terrence are currently on a five-day press tour of the country where die-hard fans are being given the opportunity to attend special meet-and-greet sessions.

Anele gave her followers a glimpse into her experience of the interview in the lengthy post.

"So here is the funny story, he [Terrence] walks in earlier than what we are scheduled to commence," she starts explaining.

"Sits down and starts talking about the last time I interviewed him and we are chatting hard and I can see people are nervous because the conversation is gold and it's not going on air. Luckily VUZU is there capturing the behind-the-scenes and it's a whole [other] interview," she added.

After opening up about the success of her interview, she explained the difference between Terrence and Taraji, according to her.

"Terrence actually requires more energy than Taraji. Taraji is fun and quirky, Terrence is intense and wants all of you."

In a previous post, Anele revealed that she was proud of herself after chatting to Taraji.

"Taraji did not want our [interview] to end. The generic feeling is we sounded like old friends," she wrote.

"I am super proud of the chat I had with this lady on my show yesterday. I am good at what I do which is a bonus because I love doing it.''

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