Holding up signs that read "I care, do you?", scores of grandmothers, who are bringing up children orphaned by HIV/AIDS related diseases, walked in a colourful procession to draw attention to their plight, ahead of the five-day 2016 International AIDS Conference, which is currently underway in Durban.
A second rally later in the day, entitled 'Keep your Promises' also took place, this time bringing many young people onto the streets of Durban. They were joined by Queen Latifah and the South African health minister, Aaron Motsoaledi.
Speaking at the #AIDS2016 conference this morning, seasoned international actress Charlize Theron stressed the importance of putting actions into place about ending the pandemic, instead of trying to maintain or sustain it.
"There is a real reality to that," she said.
"I believe real reality is with the youth. I think they will be the generation - if we bring them into the room and let them be a part of this conversation - who will be the generation to end AIDS."
Britain’s Prince Harry and pop star Elton John are among the high-profile guests scheduled to speak at the five-day gathering.
They will be joined by some 18,000 scientists, campaigners, donors and lawmakers discussing how to tackle a pandemic that has reportedly claimed more than 30 million lives in 35 years.
Prince Harry publicly underwent an HIV test on Thursday to raise awareness about combating the virus. His results came back negative.
The royal has made highlighting the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS a major part of his public work, continuing the efforts of his late mother Diana, Princess of Wales.