ProVerb's ex reflects on the pain of divorce

14 September 2016 - 16:19 By TMG Entertainment
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It's been 10 months since ProVerb and his ex-wife Onalerona confirmed that they would be getting a divorce amid cheating allegations.

And even though ProVerb and Onalerona seem to have laid the past to rest- divorce is a painful process.

Taking to social media recently Onalerona opened up about taking time to heal.

"Divorce is a very painful process- the only thing you can do is ask God for wisdom and honor the process," she said.


She went on to advise her followers to avoid a rebound relationship.

"Don't rush the healing process . Avoid a rebound relationship -honor the space between no longer and not yet.. God is love," she added.

ProVerb and Onalerona's marital problems were thrown into the spotlight late last year when Sunday papers reported on an alleged affair. ProVerb later confirmed the claims on social media asking people not to judge his wife.


And then a few months later Onalerona returned to social media confirming their divorce.

ProVerb has since been romantically linked to former Miss South Africa Liesl Laurie.

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