Sorry, ladies! Shane Eagle is taken

18 November 2016 - 15:49 By TshisaLIVE
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Sit down, ladies! We have some bad news. Rapper Shane Eagle is a taken man.

The rapper spoke to TshisaLIVE at an event recently and revealed that he was madly in love.

Shane couldn't help but blush as he he told us about the "special lady" in his life.

"I have someone and she's absolutely amazing but my lips are sealed and I'm not saying anything more," he told us with a smile.

And even though he won't give us any more juicy details, the pair have been anything but shy on social media.

Just take a look.

A photo posted by EAGLE (@shane_eagle) on

A photo posted by EAGLE (@shane_eagle) on

#RelationshipGoals, right there!


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