I won't do a reality show without Babes and Mampintsha, says DJ Tira

06 June 2017 - 15:18 By TshisaLIVE

DJ Tira's popular reality show could soon be making a return to TV screens, however the Afrotainment boss won't give it the green light unless Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha join him.

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Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Tira said that he had been toying with the idea of a TV return but wanted to make sure that the power duo was game.

"We still have to discuss it with Mampintsha and Babes but I am confident that they will be interested in doing it. If they are in, I am in, but I won't do it without them. They have an energy that is amazing and they are part of the team," Tira said.

Tira's reality show Ezase Afro ended last year and a return would mean that Afrotainment and Mampintsha's Wet Ink Records would need to collaborate on the project.

"It would need some discussion but we might even relaunch the series under a new name that serves both Afrotainment and West Ink Records. We are good friends so I don't think it will be a problem," he added.

Tira also claimed that a number of stations would be interested in the show if it was to move from Mzansi Magic.

We'll be holding thumbs to see it on screens real soon.



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