Maps Maponyane clears the air after Twitter goes into attack mode

17 January 2018 - 11:39 By Jessica Levitt
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Maps Maponyane had to defend himself after a tweet of his was misunderstood.
Maps Maponyane had to defend himself after a tweet of his was misunderstood.
Image: Supplied

Maps Maponyane had to clear the air after Twitter went on the attack in reaction to a tweet he posted  to a fan who had a dream about him and Will Smith.

"Wow I dreamt that Will Smith & @MapsMaponyane were fighting over me. It was hectic. The cops were even called. Maps was in the middle of proposing to me on the beach then Will came out of no where telling me I mustn't say yes to Maps cause I'm in love with him. Maps was shook," wrote the fan on Twitter.

Maps responded and said he'd understand if she chose Will Smith and he'd even get off his knee to give Will the ring.

"I understand if you chose Will by the way, it would be the right thing to do. In fact, I'd be surprised if I didn't just get up off my knee and give him the ring so he could propose to you in the dream."

Twitter thought it was a diss and went cray.

Maps eventually had to come back and explain that he meant no offence and had to explain what he meant.

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