'Not a day goes by without feeling the void' – Zoleka Mandela's family on keeping her legacy alive

26 December 2023 - 12:30
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Zoleka Mandela's family has marked three months since the death of the author and activist. File photo.
Zoleka Mandela's family has marked three months since the death of the author and activist. File photo.
Image: Instagram

The Mandela family has expressed their gratitude to those who have showered them with love and support in their time of grieving Zoleka.

The 43-year-old author and activist died on the evening of September 25 surrounded by loved ones after a long battle with metastatic cancer. 

"It’s been three months since our beloved Zoleka Mandela left this world, and not a day goes by without feeling the void she left in our hearts. Yet in this time her spirit has become a beacon of strength, resilience and love for us all," read the statement

"Zoleka’s family wants to take a moment to express gratitude for the outpouring of support and love from each and every one of you during this challenging time. Your kind words, memories and shared moments have been a source of comfort, reminding us of the impact she had on countless lives."

Though struggling to come to terms with Zoleka's death, the family said they would stick to their mandate to uphold her legacy. 

"Though the pain may still linger, we find solace in cherishing the beautiful memories we shared with Zoleka. Her legacy lives on in the stories we tell, the lessons we’ve learnt and the love we continue to share with one another.

"As we commemorate these three months, let us renew our commitment to keeping Zoleka’s spirit alive. Let’s continue to spread the love, compassion and advocacy for the causes she held dear.

"Thank you for being a part of this journey and let’s carry Zoleka’s light forward, ensuring that her legacy remains an everlasting source of inspiration."

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