Tebogo Thobejani launches a foundation to help victims of cyberbullying

24 May 2024 - 14:10 By KGOMOTSO MOGANEDI
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Slay queen and actress Tebogo Thobejane aims to assist young girls through her foundation.
Slay queen and actress Tebogo Thobejane aims to assist young girls through her foundation.
Image: Instagram/Tebogo Thobejane

Actress Tebogo Thobejani has started a foundation to assist young girls with cyberbullying.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Tebogo highlighted the dangers of social media and the prevalent misunderstanding of its power.

“It is crucial to educate the younger generation on accountability in the digital space.

“Innocent individuals are often victimised and judged unfairly due to personal vendettas. At Botlhale Foundation we are committed to teaching children about the circumstances and will engage with government to advocate for stricter anti-bullying laws.”

It was reported that star Inno Moroleng went on a rant on Instagram live, alleging Tebogo is a scammer, sex worker, pimp, and “muti'” user.

Last month, Tebogo attended a court case against Inno after her continued social media insults against the former podcast host.

Tebogo had obtained a protection order against Inno, who allegedly violated it, leading to their reappearance in court.

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