Islamists slaughter villagers in Northern Nigeria

16 February 2014 - 16:55 By Sapa-AP
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Survivors say fighters chanting "Allah is great" have gunned down and slit the throats of dozens of villagers in the latest attack in a northeast Nigerian area where the military has been bombing Islamic militants out of forest hideouts.

Local government chairman Maina Ularamu says more than 50 people were killed Saturday night at Izghe village in Borno state.

Survivors say hundreds of villagers fled on foot from Borno into Adamawa, two of three northeast states under a state of emergency to halt an Islamic uprising.

At least nine soldiers and several militants died around Izghe last week in a battle around extremist camps, according to hospital and military sources.

Ularamu and other officials say the soldiers are outnumbered and outgunned by militants armed with stolen anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons.

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