KZN Health MEC helps injured woman

03 January 2011 - 13:34 By Sapa
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KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Sibongiseni Dhlomo stopped his convoy to help a badly injured woman found next to a stream in Mpumazi.

The convoy with Dhlomo and the province's traditional affairs MEC Nomusa Dube was headed for Mpumazi in Eshowe where seven people were killed by lightning on Sunday.

Community members had rescued the woman when they heard her cries coming from the stream.

Dhlomo, a doctor, stopped to assist a paramedic who was helping the woman.

Khumbulani Sikhakhane, a community member who had helped rescue the woman, told Sapa that most of the woman's face was injured.

"We took her from the stream and carried her to the side of the road.

"She had blood all over her body. She was also crying from the pain."

He said the woman told him that she was from Ndwendwe and was in a lot of pain.

Dhlomo helped the woman until an ambulance arrived, while community members gathered around to watch.

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