DA gets stuck into 'schizoid' Tony

22 July 2013 - 02:03 By QUINTON MTYALA
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Cosatu's Western Cape secretary and ANC leader in the Cape Town city council Tony Ehrenreich says there are no contradictions between his roles as leader of the party and of the union federation.

Ehrenreich, who has been labelled "schizophrenic" by Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille, has called for a one-day strike if Western Cape premier Helen Zille refuses to discuss with Cosatu issues such as crime, education, gang violence, transport and health.

Zille's office has described Ehrenreich as a hypocrite, claiming he has either cancelled or failed to show up for meetings with the DA.

Ehrenreich said his first priority was the welfare of "the workers" and that this was why he was a council member only on a part-time basis.

"The last two years in the council have been a missed opportunity to unite the opposition with the administration to undo the divides in Cape Town," he said.

Ehrenreich described council meetings as "business as usual" with a few DA "gimmicks" - such as the renaming of streets - to give the impression progressive change was being implemented.

"But the focus of infrastructure spending remains on wealthy areas."

The city [council] is committed to prioritising only 'easy wins' and does everything to politicise service delivery, he said.

He said that though De Lille had not adopted the "hardline" stance of her party on some issues she had not opposed them.

He questioned her suitability as mayor, saying she got the position by default because there were no suitable black candidates in the DA.

In reply De Lille said Ehrenreich failed to understand the rules of the council.

"He doesn't understand a council budget, or how an integrated development plan is drafted.

"I've got an open-door policy but Ehrenreich has simply not attended meetings I've had with opposition parties," said De Lille.

She said he attended few council meetings and when he did it was to "grandstand".

"If he differs with the ANC, he puts on his Cosatu hat. That's why he's schizophrenic."

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