Sizani to crack whip on truant MPs

12 August 2013 - 09:37 By DENISE WILLIAMS
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Parliament, Cape Town. File photo.
Parliament, Cape Town. File photo.
Image: Sunday Times

New ANC parliamentary caucus boss Stone Sizani plans to crack the whip on MPs who bunked a crucial house sitting in June.

Parliament could not pass changes to labour-brokering legislation when 74 ANC MPs missed the last sitting, spoiling the party's plans to have the new regulations in place before next year's elections.

"On that particular night many members [including opposition MPs] went to the bar and some of them left for home and shirked their responsibilities," said Sizani.

With 265 MPs in a 400-member house, the ANC could easily have achieved the 201 votes needed had its MPs been present.

DA MPs walked out when they realised their ANC counterparts were not there , thereby collapsing the debate in house.

This happened on June 22, the day Sizani replaced Mathole Motsekga.

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