The No1 cause of divorce

23 March 2015 - 08:46 By Claire Cohen
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Eva Mendes
Eva Mendes
Image: Bang Showbiz

Are you sitting comfortably? No? Then you must have signed up to the Eva Mendes school of chillaxing.

The Hollywood actress caused something of a stir this week when she told the world that wearing comfy clothing meant death for marriage. In an interview with the Extra website, Mendes, 41, was asked about her style. She replied: "Feminine." So does that mean no loungewear, she was asked.

"You can't do sweatpants . ladies, No1 cause of divorce in America, sweatpants, no!"

Cue knee-jerk internet outrage.

Okay, mostly mock horror. But there was a particularly nasty strain of "she's not married, so she can't have an opinion" reaction.

What's more the outpouring of sweatpants love was so significant that Mendes felt the need to apologise publicly.

On Instagram she wrote: "Dear favourite pair of sweatpants. I was just kidding when I said you're the #1 cause of divorce.

"Everyone knows that orange Crocs are the #1 cause of divorce. Either way it was a bad joke and I feel terrible if you or anyone thought I was serious. Thanks for understanding, sweatpants. Sorry orange Crocs."

Job done. Critics skewered.

Turns out, though, there's a bit of a gender divide. I couldn't find a single woman who thought sweatpants were a good idea on men. Be honest, they just don't work on men do they? There's just something a bit. accessible about them. They lack structure.

If there's one thing guaranteed to heal this rift? It's Mr Eva Mendes - Ryan Gosling himself.

"Obviously the sweatpants thing was a joke," he tweeted. "Wearing them now. That's right, tweeting in sweatpants. Rats! Said too much! You win again Twitter."

- The Daily Telegraph

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