MPs don't understand law

11 August 2015 - 02:02 By David, Uitenhage

I used to have great respect for parliamentarians until the issue of Nkandla came up. It is flabbergasting to know how some of them are ignorant about the law and the constitution. These are the people we pay millions to in salaries and pensions. And they are arrogant.The word democracy is adulterated in parliament and there is no significant and intellectual debate going on.The public protector investigates the over-expenditure on President Jacob Zuma's private home. She makes a finding that Zuma and his family benefited from the deal. She says because Zuma benefited unduly, he should pay back a certain amount of money to be determined by himself, assisted by the SAPS and the Treasury.The constitution of South Africa and the Public Protector Act make it clear that any findings and recommendations by the public protector cannot be re-investigated by any other organ of state, including parliament. I am not sure whether ANC parliamentarians are constitutionally illiterate - they insist on this demon ad hoc committee.This committee comprises highly paid people and is a waste of time and money because whatever it comes up with is neither constitutional nor legal.Is Zuma illiterate of the constitution he vowed to uphold or is he keeping himself stupid? The same could be asked of the ANC members of parliament. ..

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