Beckham polishes up his act

07 September 2015 - 02:06 By ©The Daily Telegraph

David Beckham says he is braced for criticism as he embarks on a second career, in acting. The former Manchester United and Real Madrid midfielder hopes to match his success on the football pitch with a stint on screen.He says he is aware that acting is a "tough profession" but he is "used to criticism".Guy Ritchie, who cast Beckham in a speaking role in his film Knights of the Round Table, due out next year, said the father of four had a promising career as an actor ahead of him."I had 13 lines and practised a huge amount beforehand," Beckham said, adding that delivering the lines was "nerve-racking" but "went really well".He made a cameo appearance in a sketch for TV special Sport Relief last year, and was cast alongside Harvey Keitel in a short film, Outlaws.He admitted missing football. ..

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