Minister Cwele divorced his wife

15 September 2011 - 16:16 By Sapa
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State Security Minister Siyabonga Cwele has been divorced from Sheryl Cwele for the past three weeks.

The Daily News reported the divorce was finalised in the Pietermaritzburg High Court on August 23.

This came some four months after Sheryl Cwele was convicted in the Pietermaritzburg High Court of dealing, or conspiring to deal, in drugs.

Citing court papers, the newspaper reported the two, who had four children, had been living apart since 2000. They were married in 1985.

Sheryl Cwele was out on R100,000 bail, pending the appeal against her conviction.

On May 5, Judge Piet Koen convicted her and Nigerian Frank Nabolisa of working together to recruit two women to work as agents to transport drugs from South America.

Cwele, who was employed as the Hibiscus Coast Municipality's director of health services, was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment.

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