Mathale redeployed as MP: report

16 July 2013 - 11:53 By Sapa
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Cassel Mathale. File photo.
Cassel Mathale. File photo.

Limpopo premier Cassel Mathale will be redeployed to the National Assembly, according to a report.

Eye Witness News reported on Tuesday that African National Congress secretary general Gwede Mantashe justified Mathale’s move to Talk Radio 702 presenter John Robbie, saying: “He was redeployed, because that was the decision taken”.

He refused to elaborate about Mathale’s performance as premier.

Mathale announced on Monday that he had sent a letter of resignation to the speaker of the Limpopo legislature after the ANC told him he had been “recalled”.

The ANC’s provincial task team (PTT) in Limpopo accepted his resignation as premier.

The PTT was established earlier this year after the ANC dissolved the party’s provincial executive committee (PEC).

Eye Witness News reported on its website that Mathale had lost his position as PEC chairman, because of “un-ANC behaviour and institutionalised factional conduct”.

Following Mathale’s resignation, the PTT hoped the legislature would install an acting premier “with immediate effect”.

According to Eye Witness News, the ANC’s head office had thanked Mathale for his leadership role as premier, and for leaving a “prosperous, thriving and stable province”, despite some challenges.

The party had said it looked forward to working with him in the future.

The radio station said Mathale’s departure had been welcomed by political parties and the National Education, Health, and Allied Workers’ Union.

Provincial government spokesman Tebatso Mabitsela reportedly said Mathale would remain in his position until his resignation had been confirmed in a legislature sitting.

Mathale was appointed premier on May 9, 2009.

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