Appointment of NYDA based on factionalism and favouritism‚ Young Communist League bemoans

08 May 2017 - 17:42 By Shenaaz Jamal
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Young Communist League (YCL) secretary-general Mluleki Dlelanga
Young Communist League (YCL) secretary-general Mluleki Dlelanga
Image: Gallo Images

The Young Communists League of South Africa (YCLSA) has labeled the appointment of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) board as factional.

The YCLSA held a media conference at Cosatu House in Braamfontein to address the matter.

Secretary General of the YCLSA‚ Mluleki Dlelanga said President Jacob Zuma did not consult them about the appointments and broke tradition by announcing the board through the media.

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He added that the demotion of the former chairperson of the NDYA and chairperson of YCLSA Yershin Pillay was unfair.

Dlelanga said Zuma was sending the wrong message by appointing a board based on factionalism and favouritism.

"With all due respect to the chairperson of the board [Sfiso John Mtsweni] is a mere guy with a driver’s licence and a matric certificate‚" said Dlelanga.

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He added that the YCLSA was trying to make education and qualifications fashionable but that this was being hampered by the kind of appointments made in the NYDA. I "The YCLSA has come to the conclusion that the president took the decision based on factional lines and on hatred for communists‚" said Dlelanga.

- TMG Digital/TimesLIVE

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