JJ TABANE | What happened to government’s strategic plan on GBV?
Lack of resource allocation to gender-based violence makes it hard to believe battling the crisis is still top priority for this government
In 2018, after the Total Shutdown and national gender-based violence (GBV) summit, President Cyril Ramaphosa made all kinds of promises to fight GBV and assigned more than a billion rand to fight what he has termed the second pandemic. But alas, as soon as a health emergency arrived at our doorstep a short two years later, the first budget item to be cut was the same money set aside to fight the scourge. As far as I am aware, there has been no report back to the nation about what happened to that billion rand or subsequent billions that were set aside to combat GBV. What we know is that numerous NGOs that applied for funds to conduct programmes that were meant to be part of implementing the so-called strategic plan against GBV waited for months to get a cent from the fund to no avail...
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