Star Chart of Joanne Kaptanis

12 September 2010 - 02:00 By Linda Shaw
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You're going through a difficult phase, and it seems to be affecting your love life. You're also looking at different career options, finding new ways to maximise your resources.

  • October 9 1981
  • Johannesburg, 13:43
  • Sun sign: Libra
  • Moon sign: Aquarius
  • Rising sign: Aquarius

It's all as it should be. This is a time in which you'll be tested in every area of life as you expand your sense of self and grow into a more powerful you. But the birthing process is never easy, and you need to be gentle with yourself.

You're a remarkable woman with a deeply spiritual understanding of your world. Your challenge is to manage the earthly details of routine and discipline, finding ways to ground yourself and love your life.

Try not to make any long-term plans until you're 30. By then, you'll have grown so much your dreams will have changed.

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