Fugitive Krejcir guilty in absentia

09 January 2011 - 02:03 By WERNER SWART
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Czech fugitive Radovan Krejcir, who has been living the high life in a suburb east of Johannesburg since fleeing to South Africa in 2007, has been sentenced to eight years in prison in absentia.

Krejcir was found guilty in the Prague City Court on a charge of "breach of trust" for defrauding a loan company of 1.8-million Czech crowns (about R400000).

In addition, the court ordered that Krejcir's remaining assets in that country be confiscated, according to the Prague Daily Monitor.

Krejcir has shot to prominence in the past year after the murder of strip club boss Lolly Jackson and German supercar mogul Uwe Gemballa.

Jackson was a close friend of Krejcir, while Gemballa was killed after arriving in South Africa to set up a local franchise which Krejcir was to have funded.

Attempts by the Czech Republic to have him extradited have stalled after a Johannesburg High Court ruling in 2007 rejected the request.

The Czech government wants Krejcir to stand trial on charges of fraud and conspiracy to murder - claims which Krejcir has vehemently denied.

In the next few months the Supreme Court of Appeal will hear an appeal by the National Prosecuting Authority against an interdict Krejcir won prohibiting the authorities from arresting him for extradition purposes.

He is seeking political asylum in South Africa, claiming he is the victim of a political conspiracy in his homeland.

Krejcir could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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