
Amanda Palmer & Neil Gaiman on the 'threesome' that defines their lives

11 February 2018 - 00:00 By Sarah Bellum Browne

Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman are artists, authors and parents in roughly equal measure, but there is more to them than these standard labels. And less, in a sense. In that they are just human, that is.
That being said, Amanda is best known for her TED Talk and book The Art of Asking, and her punk cabaret band The Dresden Dolls. Neil is a celebrated author of many books, notably the Sandman graphic novels and American Gods -now a TV series. Ash is their two-and-a-half-year-old son who likes scrambled egg, watermelon, and figuring out new words like "man ... mans? Men ... mens?"
Last time Amanda was in South Africa, she managed to spend only a short time in Johannesburg. Sick, secretly pregnant and panicked, she heard her Cape Town fans' pleas for her to return. So here she is, with the stewing malaise of a stomach bug and jetlag. But she will no doubt be fit to wow at her concerts at Spier in Stellenbosch on February 17 and at Fox Junction in Johannesburg on February 23...

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