Maskandi star Gatsheni set to rock music fans at inaugural 'iPhinifa'

24 May 2024 - 10:23 By KGOMOTSO MOGANEDI
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Maskandi star Gatsheni is set to rock music fans at iPhinifa.
Maskandi star Gatsheni is set to rock music fans at iPhinifa.
Image: Supplied

Popular maskandi star Gatsheni is set to rock music fans at iPhinifa.

iPhinifa is about commemorating Mother's Day. It will take place at the Mushroom Lounge, Umhlanga, Durban, on Friday.

Gatsheni, real name Khuzani Ndlovu, is popularly known for his single Hit After Hit, which has been dubbed a second national anthem.

The  line-up includes  DJ Happygirl, Anita, Ndlunkulu Buthelezi and Cheryl Sisoka.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Phongolo-born Gatsheni said he'll give the ladies a great performance.

“I'll entertain the ladies in their pinifas. I can't wait to interact with them, my song [Hit After Hit] is about asking people to recognise my work and promise to reciprocate.”

“I feel honoured to be the only male artist among ladies booked for this event. This says a lot about my work, I've grown in this industry. My work is recognised by other races in the country and I was surprised to hear other races sing my song.

“People love maskandi and I believe people love my music. For now I put more time into practising, composing more songs.

“I have met one powerful lady, Dr Tamarah Shange, and [she] has introduced me to business. I'm still learning a lot from her. I can't wait for May 24.

“I have an understanding that I can be popular today but we can't predict the future. It is good to have something to fall back on. I'm learning new things every day.”

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