IN PICS | These school toilets are the pits, say DA's Francois Rodgers

25 July 2023 - 18:34 By MFUNDO MKHIZE
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A toilet at Mthoqotho secondary school outside Pietermaritzburg.
A toilet at Mthoqotho secondary school outside Pietermaritzburg.
Image: Supplied

The DA's provincial leader in KwaZulu-Natal, Francois Rodgers, has vowed to return to Mthoqotho Secondary School in Pietermaritzburg to ensure it fixes its toilets. 

“What I have seen here is the worst that I have seen. This is not fit for humans and pupils should not be subjected to this,” said Rodgers.

Rodgers also visited Silwanetshe Primary School in Willowfountain on the outskirts of the city on Tuesday.

He said it was saddening that after almost 30 years of democracy, pupils were still being subjected to substandard ablution facilities.

According to the party, more than 5,000 schools across the country still use pit toilets, often leading to pupils dying.

A toilet at Mthoqotho Secondary School in Pietermaritzburg.
A toilet at Mthoqotho Secondary School in Pietermaritzburg.
Image: Supplied

Upon their arrival at Mthoqotho school, Rodgers, accompanied by a contingent of DA councillors and activists, was met by seasoned ANC councillor and former Msunduzi mayor Jabu Ngubo.

“I am aware of the sanitation and water woes that often confront the school. I am always with the school whether in good times and bad times,” said Ngubo in response to suggestions her presence was to scupper the DA's oversight visit.

She said the government was working to counter “challenges” relating to sanitation at schools.

She cited temporary measures such as water tankers and digging of boreholes to remedy the problem. She added that the school had been plunged into a myriad of crises which often involved learners.

She said some of these challenges would be remedied after President Cyril Ramaphosa's visit to the area last week where he launched the Vulindlela bulk water scheme.

“The bulk water scheme was built at the time when the community was not this big. In other words, the infrastructure has not kept up with the migration of people who have settled here, so we are hoping for change with this new project,” said Ngubo.

Silwanetshe school, which is not far from the home of former health minister Dr Zweli Mkhize, was officially opened in 2000 and has more than 1,270 pupils.

At the school, Rodgers found that septic tanks for toilets had been disused in lieu of ventilated pit latrine toilets. These are built far from the classrooms. He said this created problems, especially after heavy rains.

Adding to the burden is the non-supply of chemicals to use in the toilets.

“I am told that there more than 150 children in grade R and the teachers have to accompany them to the toilets. They are purely unhygienic,” said Rodgers.

He said he would ask the DA's spokesperson on education, Imraan Keeks, to write to the MEC to get answers on what was being done to remedy the situation.

“The water tankers don’t often come and it’s the poor children who suffer and have to be sent home as there is no water. The stench is also very bad,” said Rodgers.


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