Dudu Myeni testifies at state capture commission

04 November 2020 - 14:45 By TimesLIVE
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Former SAA board chairperson Dudu Myeni on Wednesday testifies at the state capture commission of inquiry.

Myeni has been implicated at the commission by numerous people and is said to have interfered with the operations at Eskom as well.

During his testimony at the inquiry in September, former Eskom board chair Zola Tsotsi said Myeni knew intimate details about the inner workings of Eskom, and suggested solutions to fix the power utility despite not being in its employ.

Tsotsi said on March 7 2015, he received a call from Myeni, who said then president Jacob Zuma wanted to meet him the next day in Durban.

Tsotsi claimed to have asked Myeni what the meeting was about, but Myeni had insisted he would find out there.  


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Former SAA chair Dudu Myeni gave an impassioned speech on November 5 2020 at the state capture inquiry saying she is being hunted because of her association with former president Jacob Zuma. Myeni also said it is because she is a woman of colour that she is being accused of corruption during her tenure at South African Airways.

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