Anele defends Dineo Ranaka amid claims she 'discharged herself from hospital'

03 June 2023 - 16:41
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Dineo Ranaka reportedly booked herself out of a healthcare facility.
Dineo Ranaka reportedly booked herself out of a healthcare facility.
Image: Instagram/Dineo Ranaka

Radio host Anele Mdoda has come to Dineo Ranaka's defence amid reports Dineo booked herself out of a medical facility after a “heated exchange”.

According to Sunday World, Dineo got into an argument with a healthcare worker who was on their phone and she believed was taking a video of her.

A source told the publication Dineo discharged herself from the facility after the incident, even though she was cautioned against it.

Dineo has not responded to the report. Any update will be included once received.

Taking to social media, Anele asked for “a little grace towards Dineo, no matter how wrong you seem to believe she is”.

“She has said, 'I am not OK, I need light and I am going through a rough time' — and here we are peeking into a really sensitive and fragile time.”

Dineo recently opened up about her mental health struggles, revealing her battle with suicidal thoughts.

“I completely understand souls, spirits, people who commit suicide. I get it. I get them because I'm trying my best not to. My mind is so loud of late and life is f**king hard. So hard. I'm trying my best, but it seems my best is not enough. My children. My God,” she wrote.

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