Hyundai and Kia reveal new snow chain-integrated tyre technology

12 December 2023 - 09:11 By Motor News Reporter
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Hyundai and Kia have unveiled a new snow chain-integrated tyre technology to make it easier to stay safe in winter driving conditions.

Hyundai and sister company Kia have unveiled a new snow chain-integrated tyre technology for easier and safer driving in the snow.

To be integrated in both company’s products, the tyre technology uses shape memory alloy modules located inside the wheel and tyre. These modules protrude to act as a traction-enhancing snow chain when an electrical signal is received.

The snow chain-integrated tyre technology consists of a wheel and tyre assembly that feature radial grooves at regular intervals, like a pizza, with modules made of shape memory alloy inserted into these channels.

Unlike traditional snow chains, this technology will automatically deploy shape memory alloy snow chains at the push of a button. During normal driving, the alloy located inside the wheel is compressed into the shape of the letter “L” and does not contact the road surface.

When the driver activates the function, an electric current is applied, causing the alloy to revert to its original profile; a “J” shape, pushing the module out of the tyre to make contact with the surface, improving grip and stability on snowy roads.

If the surface of the tyre is worn down to the height of the module in normal driving mode due to severe tyre wear, drivers can easily recognise this degradation so as not miss the tyre replacement cycle.

The technology is patent-pending in both South Korea and the US and Hyundai Motor and Kia plan to consider mass production after further technological development, durability and performance tests and regulation reviews.

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