Three more arrests in Parys farmworkers' murder

26 May 2016 - 02:00 By SHAUN SMILLIE

Three more suspects in the murders of Samuel Tjixa and Simon Jubeba are set to appear in the Parys Magistrate's Court today.The arrests bring the number charged in the murder of the two farmworkers' to 10.The other seven are due to appear tomorrow. Hawks spokesman Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said the case was likely to be postponed to allow police to continue their investigations.The suspects, who include a police captain, accused the two men of trying to rob farmer Lodewikus van der Westhuizen.They claim Tjixa and Jubeba entered Van der Westhuizen's farm armed with pistols and demanded R20000. The farmer told police he was able to press a panic button after fighting the two off.Farmers in the area responded to the call and reportedly apprehended the men about 8km from the farm. The two were allegedly assaulted and later died in hospital. The latest suspects are aged 18, 19 and 22...

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