ANCYL wants DA leaders arrested for 'burning flag' advert

24 May 2024 - 19:33
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ANC Youth League president Collen Malatji has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to arrest the DA's leadership over the party’s election advert depicting the burning of the South African flag.. File photo.
ANC Youth League president Collen Malatji has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to arrest the DA's leadership over the party’s election advert depicting the burning of the South African flag.. File photo.
Image: ANCYL Media/Twitter


The ANC Youth League has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to arrest the DA's leadership over the party’s election advert which depicted the burning of the South African flag.

The league’s president Collen Malatji said Ramaphosa should stop negotiating with people who have disrespected a national symbol and send them packing. 

The DA recently came under fire for its campaign advert in which a burning flag depicted the burning of the state due to poor governance by the ANC. Towards the end, the flag is restored depicting the state of the country should the DA be elected to power, said party representatives.

Malatji told ANC supporters at the youth league’s 30 years of freedom walk that was led by Ramaphosa that a vote for the DA was a vote for apartheid. 

“We’ve seen others burning the South African flag. We saw the National Party, that calls itself the DA, burning the South African flag that the people of South Africa worked and died for,” he said. 

“Now, when you vote for the DA, you must know that you are voting for apartheid, you are voting for a political party that does not respect the flag and the constitution of this country.”

He said Ramaphosa should have arrested DA leader John Steenhuisen and the rest of the party’s caucus. 

“We know that our president is a negotiator, if I was the president of this country I would have long arrested the whole DA, they would now be in prison. I don’t know why the president is still negotiating with people who are burning the most important thing in this country, being the flag,” said Malatji. 

“But we believe that on June 1 the president will arrest Steenhuisen and they must all be in prison.”

According to Malatji, South Africans must not make a mistake of voting for the DA. 

“No one who burns the flag of this country must lead in this country. They must all be in prison because people lost their lives and their families uniting and building a nation called South Africa,” he said. 

“We can’t afford anyone to divide or do anything, whether it’s tribal, whether it’s burning of the flag, whether it’s racial to reverse the gains of freedom that we are celebrating today 30 years later.”


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