‘Clever’: Maimane’s election video does the trick for social media

22 May 2024 - 12:11 By SINESIPHO SCHRIEBER
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Build One SA leader Mmusi Maimane’s election advert has grabbed people’s attention.
Build One SA leader Mmusi Maimane’s election advert has grabbed people’s attention.
Image: Screenshot

Without insulting opposition parties or burning the South African flag to illustrate frustrations, Build One SA leader Mmusi Maimane’s election campaign advert has managed to grab people’s attention. 

Maimane has been topping social media trends since Tuesday after the release of the party’s election video advert.

“Every country needs strong foundations but in SA our foundations have been destabilised by corruption, crime and failing education, all of which leads to high unemployment. SA needs change, leaders who will build from the ground up, end crime, fix education and build a better future for our children, and ensure there is a job in every home,” he says in the video.

The hook in the 55-second video is the ending: Maimane slaps the hand of a person holding a “corruption” block trying to reach out to his building blocks, which reflect the South African flag, and shouts “hay'suka Cyril [get away, Cyril]”. 

Many people on social media described the video as creative, saying it had a “cheeky” style similar to the ads of fast-food outlet Nando's.

Some compared it to the DA's election advert, which depicts a burning South African flag. In his advert Maimane destroys the first tower of blocks and rebuilds it.

In recent weeks political parties’ election campaigns have sparked debate on social media. The DA was in the spotlight for its controversial advert which the SABC refused to air because of public backlash. 

DA federal chairperson Helen Zille defended the advert, saying the burning of the flag was a figurative illustration of what the DA believes would be “doomsday” should the ANC, EFF and MK Party form a coalition government after this month's provincial and national elections. 

“If a person is drowning, you hope to rescue them. If someone has fallen in a big, dark pit, you try to rescue them. The alternative to being rescued is dying and that is the message we are trying to get across,” she said.

Here are some reactions from social media: 


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