
2018 horoscopes: what do the stars hold in store for you this year?

Life, love, money - your astrological forecast for the year ahead

30 December 2017 - 00:00 By linda shaw

22 December – 19 January
This is a year of personal and psychological growth. Don’t be surprised if your social life tapers off. This doesn’t mean no one likes you anymore. It simply means your social life is where you want it; so now you can busy yourself making meaningful changes to your soul. Not to mention our health. You want to discover yourself and become fully who you are. But to get there you need to travel, study and expand. You need to take a leap of faith. And most of all, you have to love yourself enough to know that you deserve the very best. Not hard at all when you think about it.
It’s a time of conclusions and happy endings. Singles should marry, and the married will either improve what they’ve got, or find someone more suitable. Don’t be afraid to make the move. The universe can’t help you if you’re standing still. Take care during the planetary shifts in July and October, when your love life will be pummeled. Best option: weather the storms and carry on. Indulge in a secret fantasy whenever you’re leaning towards those self-destructive forms of frustration you’re so fond of. You’ll feel so fabulous you won’t even need to beat yourself up. You’ll just enjoy the moments.MONEY
You’re preparing for greatness as your horizons expand. What you’re looking for now is a lifestyle. Wodges of money don’t interest you, but what you can buy with them does. Before May, look around for different sources of abundance. By June, you’ll be standing directly in the path of luck and money. The career is separate. You need to contribute and to feel your efforts are being noticed. Although there may be secret dealings behind the scenes, the overall picture is good. You’re moving towards greater independence and a more fluid life. Enjoy the year. It’ll keep you on your toes.AQUARIUS
20 January – 18 February
If it’s a rummage around in alternative realms you need, this is your lucky year. Your power supply has moved into your unconscious, connecting you with the source, the angels, and with all the secret but useful goodies we look for all the time. This year’s magic may not be about winning the lottery or meeting handsome strangers, but in many ways it’s better than that. Your miracle is about unearthing the keys to the universe, or waking up with the absolute certainty that you understand it all. Don’t underestimate the value of that.
Typically, friendship is more important than romance. And for you, it’s always been more comfortable. Besides, your lifestyle makes it difficult for you to get involved in anything lasting. Still, romance does flit in and out of your life – mainly because you change your mind every five minutes. You’re desirable and fascinating. And who wouldn’t be excited by someone so mysterious and independent? It’s just that you don’t have the patience to hang in for the good stuff. For now, don’t push it. This is not the time. If you’ve already got there, explain to your partner that your head is temporarily elsewhere, but hopes to return shortly. Look out for fun – wherever you can find it.
Your ambitions have taken a back seat while you redirect your focus. Emotional harmony and inner peace are now more important. A strange feeling for you. Still, the money keeps coming in – with or without your assistance. You are working a little less and feeling a little more. If the chance of a foreign or globally connected job comes up (probably around May), grab it. The planets have bigger plans for you than you have for yourself. Try to obey orders without arguing. See how it feels to trust for no reason.PISCES
19 February – 20 March
What does the year have to offer? Success, yes, but troubles too. It’s as if the planets have decided to play a game with you. Pass a few tests, jump over a few obstacles and the gold ribbon will be yours. The idea is to keep you humble yet active. Many of you will give birth this year – either to babies or brilliant ideas. Travel and educational opportunities are part of your daily fare. But at the base of it all is a need for more attention to health. If your body lets you down, none of this good stuff will be possible. May, July and August are vulnerable months. Be kind to yourself.
Alone? Not for long. That special love is circling. Friends and good times are piling up. Even commitment is a definite maybe. For the first time in ages, you’re feeling romantic. You’re desirable and popular too. You’re not usually at the centre of the party, but now the energy’s bigger, louder and more insistent. You’re going out of your way to help: putting their needs before your own; exploring your inner self with an honest desire to change. Find someone to talk to. There’s a lot that needs to be said.
Here’s where your interests lie. Last year was work, work, work and that bug is not out of your system. The difference is that this year you start to make some real money. This bothers you as you discover that money brings its own responsibilities and problems. A financial adviser might be a good idea. Most important is that your career blossoms. People start to know who you are; there are promotions and pay rises — a new kind of power for yourself. Yes, it’s frightening. After all, you’d prefer to sit in the tower playing with the fairies. But it’s time to be a grown-up. Your skills are needed. Try to see it from their point of view.ARIES
21 March – 19 April
The planets have noticed that you’ve had about as much as you can take, and you need a break. Don’t think this is the end of the changes. This year all those old, buried fears that you don’t want to talk about rise up and demand a hearing. Not to hurt you. Just to persuade you to look at them, deal with the bits you can, put the rest down and move on to become the powerhouse you were born to be. You’ll know you’re wandering off track whenever your body starts to falter.
No big deal here. More likely is that the status quo will prevail. If you’re alone, you’ll probably stay that way. If not, you won’t. Not that there’s any need to be alone. Aries folk are generally the “love at first sight” type. So if you’re yearning for a spot of excitement, just step outside. Keep in mind that your love-intuition is slightly off this year – so try not to make any dramatic announcements before asking yourself some serious questions. Look out for interesting new friends, mentors and playmates. Try to be flexible. You’re changing every day – as is your definition of love. Be patient with yourself.
Excellent. You’ve survived the drama and passed the tests. The pressure you’ve been under would have crushed a lesser person. Although the drama’s not over, you’ll have help now. Then from May, abundance, opportunities and events make an appearance as your playing field shifts to a new venue. Although you’ll be earning more, you’ll be wanting to spend it faster than you get it. Sadly, that won’t be possible. Saturn, the grandmaster of restraint, is waving his baton. Grin and bear it. Learn some new skills. You’ll need them to manage the real money once it starts rolling in.TAURUS
20 April – 20 May
Praying for something new? The planet of wild moments, lightning change and mad surprises moves in this May. By the time he moves on in 2025, you’ll be longing for a little peace. For now, the drama of mad moments followed by even madder moments is just what you need. You’ve had a strange few years, and you’re ready for something new. “Better” would be nice. But “new“ is an interesting place to start. The planets are bringing the changes you want – but only after they’ve shaken up everything you’ve become used to. Don’t be anxious. This will be fun, and interesting.
Expect some dramatic changes. In fact, a transformation from a normal relationship into a bizarre soap opera is what you’re looking at. Don’t get hysterical. After all, isn’t there a teeny part of you that loves a spot of excitement? And if no one needs to get hurt in the process, what’s the problem? You are much more level-headed than you were last year. You’re looking for companionship rather than prestige and security. Yes, your relationship could be leaning towards some problems, but it’s up to you to fix them or kick them out. Marriage is unlikely, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. There are plenty more offerings out there, but there’s no rush. You’re busy – falling in love with yourself.
Finances have been a source of anxiety over the past few years. The planets of responsibility are breathing in your ear, so careful financial management is vital. You’re building up to something fabulous. Your career takes off in May, when status, recognition and success become easy. You know what you’re worth, and you’re getting it. The truth is, the universe wants you back in the driver’s seat. You’re being pushed to achieve. It’ll just take a little while longer than expected. Excellent.GEMINI
21 May – 20 June
Last year nearly drove you nuts. Getting through it with health and sanity intact can be considered a great achievement. Assuming you’ve managed that, you’re now stronger, clearer and more focused. The good news is that a couple of the heavies have moved on. The mediocre news is that the driving force behind the drama is with you until early May, after which you can celebrate. The cosmic plan is to unearth and empower your inner genius. Once you’re free of the need to please, you’ll discover who you really are and what you want. And you’ll get it.
The planet of change and international adventures with secret strangers is buried deep in your subconscious for the next seven years. Yikes. Of course, if you’re happily involved (which would be a miracle worth treasuring) you can recreate excitement within your situation. What’s important is that change is constant and boredom is avoided. You’re more independent now, needing space and expansion. You’re being set free from all the traditional expectations you were raised with. The concept of relationship – and even of love – is being redefined. Whenever you feel undeserving, slap yourself. For the rest, pack. It’s going to be a bumpy but fascinating ride.
Work is not the major focus of your year, although the eclipse on January 31 could indicate a job change. Otherwise, the wheels just keep on turning, with the one proviso that you’ll earn more this year, whether you work harder or not. Your finances are on an upward climb which will last for some time – windfalls, gifts and unexpected earning opportunities. Say “yes” and “thank you” to everything. This is no time for pride. Avoid getting into debt, and pay your taxes. You’re in for a fascinating year and you don’t want to waste a moment messing about with bureaucracies.CANCER
21 June – 22 July
That creative spark has just turned into a veld fire. There’s nothing you can’t imagine, invent, manifest. Along with the creative energy comes the fertility buzz. Make the most of the early months. In May the planets of transformation and discipline connect to give you a hard time. No one enjoys this energy, but everyone grows – if that’s any comfort. It’s called a “character-building cycle” – a time to shine quietly. Before that, you’re mostly having the time of your life. One more thing: avoid mad risks.
There is nothing that kills romance faster than fear. So, what are you afraid of? The planet of transformation is with you, challenging you to redefine your needs. What is love for? Whatever it is, it’s becoming purer and simpler. And at the same time, old complicated dramas are knocking at your door. This is good as new commitments are unlikely. Even old commitments will be tested, especially after July. Wicked rendezvous are on the cards before then. Use February to explore every sexual fantasy you ever had. And do it wildly. The alternative is to let those secret passions drive you insane. Take it slowly. For now.
Looking for work? Easily found – and lost – before June. Your career is on its own journey: active, interesting and full of unexpected twists. If nothing else, your boredom threshold will be well catered for. Mind you, you’re busy – with everything aside from work holding your attention. You’ll need a detailed schedule if you’re hoping to keep up. Your money is going through a cosmic detox phase. You’ll have to work out where you’re wasting money, and find more useful ways to expand what you have. Admit it, you’re endlessly lucky when it comes to money. Well, it’s grown-up time. Unexpected expenses, lost money, mad purchases are all likely until you harness your practical skills. They’re in there somewhere.LEO
23 July – 22 August
Sick of feeling tired, unhealthy, half dead? Convinced your body has a will of its own, no matter how hard you try to persuade it otherwise? Not so. The planet of transformation is sitting in your body, offering weight loss, health, even plastic surgery if that will help. You’ve already heard the inner call to physical transformation, and you’re almost ready to act. Start by loving and appreciating your body just the way it is. Then move on from there. The real problem, of course, is that a year or two of emotional turmoil has led to a shut-down. Enough. You’re stronger than you think and this year you’ll have help. You’re ready to dump the garbage and change your core beliefs. No panic. Change is always good. Unavoidable too.
Love, love, love, passion, passion, passion, romance, sex, intrigue ... Is there anything quite as magnificent as the journey of the heart? You should know. Your life’s been about little else. You’ve probably married, or switched sides, or taken up with someone unsuitable – and shocked your friends to the core. As it should be. Between July and October, your sexual vibrations are sizzling, and mental compatibility becomes a basic component to relationship success. By November, you’ll have made another choice, and will be basking in the glow of mutual adoration.
Talk about the last thing on your mind. Which is strange because just when you’re least interested you’re about to get all the things you used to crave. No point looking gift horses in mouths. After all, wanting something too much often delays the energy. Instead, you’ll have the opportunity to calmly watch the first few months build themselves into something that will launch itself into full flight after May. One thing: there’s the distinct possibility of at least one job change this year. Make sure it’s what you want. Anger and ego have no place in the construction of a fulfilling career.VIRGO
23 August – 22 September
You’ve done your homework and you’re ready for your gold stars. They’ll arrive in interesting forms – exotic trips, fascinating learning opportunities, wild evenings. Abundance for you comes in the form of fun. And since you’ve learned so much about responsibility and maturity, you’ll understand about constructive magic rather than destructive debauchery. Look out for a change of residence, probably connected to work, and a change of lifestyle, probably connected to finances. No lounging about this year, but you’ll be pleased with the results. Flexibility is vital.
No matter how you may be trying to convince yourself otherwise, all Virgos are the marrying kind. But there’s something different about the energies this year. From mid-May, you become the social aggressor. You get out there and take what you want. You find love everywhere and if you occasionally mistake passion for the real thing, well, you’ll get over it. If you’re already involved, plan for an excitingly volatile few months. If you’re divorced and looking to remarry, make it quick. You’ve got until April. If you’re living at home, expect fireworks from the folks – and stay out of the line of fire. Importantly, smile whenever you remember. The universe responds well to happiness, even if you’re not sure you mean it.
Taken a few hammerings? It may be hard to believe, but the universe was simply taking care of your best interests. Anything not good for you has been removed.That’s all. Everything is finally more or less as it should be. This is a year of niche-finding and preparation. Money comes in sporadically, but is being used for greater things. Work is available and plentiful – all part of a larger plan. Have patience. The pieces are slowly coming together. You’ll be the one at the winning post– long before your next birthday – if you keep your eyes open.LIBRA
23 September – 22 October
You’ve had some hard times the past few years. The planets of transformation have been so busy transforming you, they never stopped to see how you were coping. Well, you coped. Some of you even flourished. This year, you’re being rewarded for your diligence. Health is improved and getting better. Energy, enthusiasm, courage – all on the up. Now the universe is making sure you have the time and space to explore anything new that grabs your attention. The long-awaited adventure is here. It would help if you knew what you wanted. But even if you don’t, a willingness to go along for the ride brings magic of its own. Not a moment to be wasted.
This is always the first item on your agenda. If you’re not in love, you figure you’re barely alive. Fine, as long as you remember that there are other things in life besides your beating heart. This is your moment to discover what those other things are. As far as love is concerned, expect the status quo to stay that way. Your problem is boredom. You like drama in your life. Feel free to create some if you must. All of July and most of August offer opportunities for misunderstandings and blow-ups. You might storm out in October and disappear for a revamp. Go ahead. Behave like a nutcase. But remember, the universe has its own plans for you. Watch and adapt.
There’s lots happening, though not necessarily in the way you would have planned. Your money planets are being subjected to intense stimulation all year. So you’ll earn more, but there’ll be more obstacles to overcome. You’ll have to work harder for both money and recognition. There’s a chance of a new partnership after May, useful but more difficult than you’d have liked. But you won’t be left to deal with problems by yourself. Partners and lovers begin to keep you in the manner to which you’d like to become accustomed. If you’re on your own, all the more for you.SCORPIO
23 October – 21 November
The real question is, what does success mean to you? Until you know the answer, you’ll search endlessly for more of the same. Fortunately – or not – the success and ambition energies are still with you. But so is the planet of transformation. And that means it’s time for all karmic/past/unresolved issues to be addressed. Are you ready for self-examination? Of course, there’ll be changes to help you make the shifts. You may move home or find a new career path. You’re thinking, learning, studying. Willing, for the first time in ages, to communicate your feelings. You want to be understood. The body is gaining strength; you’ve never been in better shape. A fascinating year.
Passion is in; marriage is out; and love has yet to make up its mind. The truth is that no matter what you’re calling it, you haven’t had this much fun in ages. If you’re determined to get married, some possibilities will present themselves after August. But don’t get too excited. Even the most stable of relationships will have to survive the planetary disruptions of an extraordinary year. So do yourself a favour: misbehave, have a wild, passionate time, explore new fantasies every day, but save the decisions until you’re sure. There’s no need to rush.
Good news at last. The finances are flourishing; you’re catching the breaks and choosing the right investments. Where there’s a will, you’re bound to be in it. From May, finances improve even more. The career is on a mission of its own. There’s a yearning for greater independence, which brings out your inner rebel. And the need for meaning inspires you to look further afield. So if it’s time for a change, you’ll have to find your courage and jump. Choose something meaningful. You’ll need to keep focused. You’re in control now, ready to improve your life – and theirs. It’s a great place to be.SAGITTARIUS
22 November – 21 December
You’re attempting more, so the road is tougher. But, for the first time in ages, you genuinely believe you’re capable of bigger things. For you, abundance is about all those talents being shown. The only thing stopping you is an absurd fear of failure that turns you back before you’ve even opened the door. Enough. This is your year to explore yourself. Start with something to release last year’s garbage and make way for something different. The adventure has only just begun.
There are complexities here you’ll have to deal with. It seems the planets are determined to refine your social skills. So, you’re attracting new friends and love affairs. But equally powerful is your need for self-assertion, space and freedom. We’re talking dramatic conflict. You’d better decide how big a part of you wants drama, and how big a part wants love. After all, you don’t want to miss out on the fights and break-ups; the exotic love affairs with unavailable strangers. In short, if it’s a soap opera you want, pick a channel. If not, you’ll be the one writing the script.
Here’s something to get your heart hammering. The strict Big Daddy planet is sitting on your money, ordering stable and enduring wealth especially for you. Needless to say, goodies like this come with an enormous price: budgets and financial restructuring; form filling and tedious discipline. Bottom line: you’ll end the year wealthier than you started – provided you do the homework you’re finally learning how to do. The job, meanwhile, is starting to drive you nuts. Things are happening, but the results have yet to be tested. The truth is, there’s no guarantee you’ll have the same job at the end of the changes. But one thing is sure: you’ll have enough money to move you on to the next exciting fork in your road. This is an adventure...

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