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Porn Stars dish about their day jobs in tell-all web series

Does your family know what you do? What was your grossest experience on set? Adult film actors candidly answer all these questions and more in 'Ask A Porn Star'

11 February 2018 - 00:00 By yolisa mkele

WHAT: Ask a Porn Star, a series about life behind the scenes in the adult film industry.
WHO: Woodrocket, parody porn producer.
WHY WATCH IT: It lifts a veil on an industry that is hard to find out about without alarms going off at IT. More than that, it humanises porn stars, as it turns out they are more than just sentient sex Barbies. Who'd a thunk it - porn stars are people too.
On the surface, being a porn star seems like a pretty glamorous occupation. It's essentially two or more good-looking professionals literally engaging in the kind of sex that mere mortals can only fantasise about.
However, beneath this veneer of baby oil and smooth genitals lurks a work environment that is more reminiscent of a plumber's daily experience than it is of Jennifer Aniston's. At least that is the impression one gets after watching the series.
Featuring the likes of James Deen, Richelle Ryan, April O'Neil and others, Ask a Porn Star recounts stories of things they have experienced on set and some of the bizarre shoots they have been asked to participate in.
If you have a weak constitution, it is best to give this series as wide a berth as possible.
You will get the lion's share of stomach-churning moments from an episode called Ask a Porn Star: What was Your Grossest Experience on Set? There is no actual porn in the series, so it is perfectly safe to watch at work.
What is less safe is eating anything before you watch it.
WATCH | Ask A Porn Star: Worst Reaction to Your Job? (WARNING! Video contains explicit language)..

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