Tony Bennett auctions nude sketch of Lady Gaga

14 December 2011 - 12:07 By Reuters
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The nude sketch of Lady Gaga by Tony Bennett that is on auction.
The nude sketch of Lady Gaga by Tony Bennett that is on auction.

A nude charcoal drawing of Lady Gaga by singer Tony Bennett went up for auction on Ebay this week, with all proceeds going to both singers' charities.

The drawing is a charcoal sketch on watercolour paper, and features Lady Gaga reclining nude, signed by "Benedetto", the name Bennett signs all his art works with.

The 85-year-old jazz singer, who earlier this year recorded "Lady is a Tramp" in a duet with Lady Gaga for his album "Duets II," posted on Twitter that he was "thrilled" his portrait was up for auction.

Bennett, 85, sketched the picture while Lady Gaga, 25, posed for photographer Annie Leibovitz for the cover of Vanity Fair magazine's January issue.

Currently, the highest bid is $ 7000 and is expected to rise during the course of the auction, which will end on December 19, with all proceeds going to Bennett's Exploring the Arts charity and Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation.

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