Model Candice reveals her secret

28 March 2012 - 02:20 By Staff reporter
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Candice Swanepoel has made the list of the 100 sexiest women in the world Picture: GETTY IMAGES
Candice Swanepoel has made the list of the 100 sexiest women in the world Picture: GETTY IMAGES

South African glamour model Candice Swanepoel has revealed how she used to be taunted by bullies at school because she was tiny.

The 23-year-old, who appears on the cover of the May edition of the glossy GQ, told the magazine that her revenge on her bullies is perfect these days.

"A year before I got scouted, I would watch a lot of FashionTV. At school, I got teased because I was so thin and awkward-looking. But the girls on TV looked similar to me.

"I would say to my mom: 'The girls at school are teasing me, but I look like those girls on TV'. A year later, someone took me to an agency and that's it.

"Revenge is always ... I know it sounds terrible, but it does feel good to show those people.

"I put all my eggs in one basket when I left South Africa. I put my head down and worked my ass off. And look where it got me."

The Victoria's Secret model - who was discovered at a Durban flea market when she was 15 - said that she uses social media to cheer her up when she feels depressed.

"Whenever you feel down, you can check on Twitter and feel better about yourself, because it's only people who like you."

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