Robert De Niro cemented into Hollywood history

05 February 2013 - 15:10 By Bang Showbiz
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Robert De Niro was honoured in Hollywood by having his hand and footprints cast in cement outside the TCL Chinese Theatre.

The Silver Linings Playbook actor became the latest film icon to have his prints enshrined outside Hollywood's historic TCL Chinese Theatre - formerly known as Grauman's Chinese Theatre - in a ceremony celebrating his career on Monday.

The 69-year-old star - whose impressive filmography includes Casino, Raging Bull and Taxi Driver - told the crowd: "They say everyone in the film industry has three homes: The home where they live, the home where their first wife lives, and Hollywood. I love New York and I am proud to be a citizen of Hollywood. Thank you for this honour and thank you for making me feel at home here."

De Niro, who is best known for making gangster movies, then joked to the crowd: "You know, Joe Pesci (Goodfellas co-star) always said I'd end up with my feet in cement!"

Stars including Billy Crystal and Silver Linings Playbook director David O. Russell paid tribute to the veteran actor, who was accompanied by his proud wife, Grace Hightower.

The excited actor mistakenly dated his cement plaque '2/14/13' (February 14), but representatives for the TLC Chinese Theatre have corrected the date to February 4.

De Niro is currently celebrating a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award nomination for his role in the Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper-starring comedy about mental illness. It marks the actor's first Oscar nomination since 1991 for Cape Fear.

He has previously won two Oscars; a Best Supporting Actor prize for 1974's The Godfather Part II, and Best Actor for 1980's Raging Bull, a biopic on boxer Jake LaMotta.

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