Penny Lebyane escapes unharmed after house robbery - report

07 April 2017 - 11:36 By TshisaLIVE
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TV host Penny Lebyane.
TV host Penny Lebyane.
Image: Gallo Images/Frennie Shivambu

TV personality Penny Lebyane's managed to escape safely after brazen thieves broke into her house and made off with her valuables.

According to Sowetan the incident happened last week, while Penny was apparently asleep in her Randburg home.

Apparently the thieves made off with numerous electrical appliances from her home.

Speaking to the publication police spokesperson, Captain Kay Makhubele confirmed the incident.

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"A case of housebreaking and theft was opened. She was sleeping at night when the robbers allegedly came into her house and took, among other things, electric appliances and some furniture," he said.

When contacted for comment by the publication Penny declined to comment on the incident.

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