IN MEMES: Twitter thinks polygamist Musa will get the land back for sure

09 February 2018 - 09:06 By Chrizelda Kekana
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Image: Mzansi Magic

Twitter can't get over how polygamist Musa Mseleku keeps winning at everything in life and have concluded that after meeting Marcel in last night's episode that Musa may as well get the land back too.

Marcel, a white man who came to Musa's rescue when he need assistance with his car, impressed Twitter with the way he respected Musa. Even though Twitter assumed it was because Marcel was "employed" by Musa, they liked the mutual respect that was shared between the men.

When Marcel referred to Musa as "sir" Twitter concluded land negotiations would probably be successful with Musa at the helm.

The fact that he also happened to "magically" make all his wives happy convinced Twitter that if he put his mind to it, he could get the land back.

Twitter said not only is Musa winning in at life, he's also winning as a husband.

Even though it happens once in a blue moon, Musa cooked a full meal for his wives and Twitter was officially won over!

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