Thandiswa Mazwai asks police to enforce lockdown with 'dignity'

27 March 2020 - 12:00 By Chrizelda Kekana
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Thandiswa Mazwai has shared her concerns for South Africans during lockdown.
Thandiswa Mazwai has shared her concerns for South Africans during lockdown.
Image: Instagram/Thandiswa Mazwai

As South Africans brace themselves for the next 21 days of lockdown, songstress and activist Thandiswa Mazwai has expressed her hope that the constitution is not abused during this time.

Thandiswa took to Twitter to plead with minister of police Bheki Cele to ensure that police and South African National Defence Force (SANDF) are briefed properly to understand that citizens have only allowed the suspension of some of their rights for the greater good.

She asked that they handle their duties with the dignity the situation requires.

“Please, Bheki Cele, it is important to be clear that the army and police are called on to protect civilians and enforce the shutdown with dignity. We have momentarily let go of our rights but only allowed their suspension for the greater good!”

The musician has been one of the most vocal celebs since the coronavirus pandemic reached South African shores earlier this month.

She has used her voice and platform not only to speak out against certain actions by South Africans, like panic buying, but also how government has handled the situation so far.

Thandiswa also asked SAMPRA to do its part in ensuring that artists don't starve.

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that from this Friday, and for 21 days, the country would be under lockdown in an attempt to “flatten the curve” in reducing the number of Covid-19 infections.

On Friday morning, not only had the number of confirmed cases topped the 1,000 mark but the minister of health Dr Zweli Mkhize announced that two South Africans had died as a result of Covid-19.

Mzansi ...  Stay Home!

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