WATCH | 'I've got lung infection and pneumonia on both lungs' - DJ Sox shares his Covid-19 journey
After being hospitalised with Covid-19, DJ Sox has posted a video sharing his journey of healing now that he feels he's out of the woods.
The DJ took to social media recently to reveal that after testing positive, the virus quickly took over his body and he ended up in the hospital.
“It's been quite a while since I've posted. But I just thought let me just check in and give an update. I am in hospital, but I am actually okay now. I'm in hospital guys for Covid-19,” he began.
“I've got lung infection and pneumonia on both lungs - with one lung more severe. I've been in this hospital for quite some time and I just figured let me share because I've been getting phone calls and others already found out that I am sick. Guys, I was really sick, like seriously sick,” he said in a video to fans.
The star said he got the virus after going to Joburg for a gig. He added that, even though he went out for dinner and stayed in a hotel, they were super strict about hygiene and following Covid-19 protocols so he thought that he was protected.
On his way back to Durban on the Sunday, he began to feel so sick that he was convinced he wouldn't make it home.
“My biggest problem was that I couldn't breathe. I had a massive fever and I lost my sense of taste and smell. I was seriously sick. And then, I had this episode where I collapsed in the bathroom ...
“There was a point where I was afraid to sleep. I asked my wife to ensure that I don't sleep because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up,” he said.
DJ Sox says it was only after he was hospitalised that he began to feel that he would live and he advised people to not be afraid to go to the hospital, especially after testing positive.