Mercedes F1 team fined €10,000 over physio breach

05 June 2023 - 09:03 By Reuters
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Lewis Hamilton (left) and George Russell finished second and third respectively at the Circuit de Catalunya, the team's first double podium of the season.
Lewis Hamilton (left) and George Russell finished second and third respectively at the Circuit de Catalunya, the team's first double podium of the season.
Image: Emmanuele Ciancaglini/Ciancaphoto Studio/Getty Images

Spanish Grand Prix stewards fined Mercedes 10,000 (R208,913) on Sunday for a breach of Formula One's post-race procedures after driver physios entered areas that were off-limits.

Lewis Hamilton and George Russell finished second and third respectively at the Circuit de Catalunya, the team's first double podium of the season.

The stewards said video evidence confirmed physios or assistants to Hamilton and Russell entered the 'parc ferme' area “in violation of the post race interview and podium ceremony procedure”.

The procedure states “driver physios must wait outside the cool down room behind the podium until the podium ceremony has concluded.”

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