Book on my mind

16 July 2010 - 00:04 By Shanthini Naidoo
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Liz Berry Gips, the wife of Don Gips, the US ambassador to South Africa

What are you reading at the moment?

Half the Sky by Nick Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. It is based on the Chinese proverb that "women hold up half the sky". The book describes the oppression facing women around the world and the opportunities for progress. It is full of stories of individuals who have overcome great odds. Since I normally read for only about five minutes at night before my eyes close, I appreciate that each chapter is a stand-alone vignette.

What do you think of the author?

I have long loved Kristof's column in the New York Times. I appreciate that he brings to life issues that his millions of readers would never otherwise know about. He makes you feel like you are right in the alley in Bangkok or the hut in Congo alongside him as he documents the incredible challenges women and girls face. I also love the fact that he writes with his wife. I hope to meet them.

What did you most enjoy about the book ?

The oppression of women and girls is not the problem of any one country or region, it is a global issue and everyone's responsibility. Most importantly, there is great hope that injustices against women can be turned into powerful opportunities.

In my own work and travels, I've been privileged to meet countless women and girls who awe me with their courage and tenacity to improve their lives, especially through education.

This book will greatly speed up the process of that change and gives everyone a sense of how they can contribute.

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