Jacques Kallis 'not back with Shamoné'

05 January 2014 - 02:05 By Staff Reporter
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Retired test cricketer Jacques Kallis has not, contrary to reports from India, reunited with former girlfriend Shamoné Jardim.

That was the word from the celebrated all-rounder's agent, Dave Rundle, on Friday, ahead of his return to the pitch for the game against the Springboks in Cape Town.

New Delhi Television and the MiD DAY media group published stories last weekend suggesting that the celebrity couple were an item again as Kallis was playing in his final test against India in Durban. Kallis, according to the reports, also planned to write his autobiography.

Rundle dismissed the reports. "We were chatting about an autobiography," he said, adding: "Jacques isn't that keen on it."

Jardim, who works abroad as an international model, spent time with her family during the festive season in Cape Town.

"She's back in Cape Town, but they haven't got back together," said Rundle.

Kallis dated beauties such as Tammy Green, former Miss SA Cindy Nell and briefly Miss SA finalist Marisa Eggli before his six-year-long relationship with Jardim, which ended in mid-2013.

He paid tribute to them all in an interview with SuperSport on Monday, when asked about the people who had supported him behind the scenes during his career in test cricket.

"I've had some incredible coaches along the way. Keith Richardson at Wynberg, Bob Woolmer and Duncan Fletcher. I've also had very supportive girlfriends along the way - Tammy, Cindy and Shamoné. Off the field, stuff was always taken care of. If I hadn't made it, it wouldn't have been from lack of support," he said.

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