Yeezlike! The Pope wears Pablo, or does he?
It turns out the Catholic Church hasn't traded long-in-the-tooth options for high fashion. Francis's recent step-out was all thanks to dolts like Elon Musk
I don’t know if you saw the Pope in a puffer jacket last week? He looked like a little wizened raisin with a good game in streetwear. His tiny skullcap atop his shiny head popping out from the massive white jacket added allure to the entire “trying to get with the young folk” effect of the newly hip papal garb. Here in the form of this gargantuan garment — a rap peplum if you like — was the update to the seriously “long-in-the-tooth” fashion options of the Catholic Church. I mean, there's only so long a look can be considered classic. Two millennia might be pushing the envelope. I wondered how this choice of day wear had come about?..
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